Welcome to my very first blog!! My name is Dan White and I am committed to mastering every aspect of life while bringing you along this journey and helping you achieve the same.
I will be transparent about what works for me as well as what does not work for my life (but might actually work for you). In the short period of time I have been on this Earth, I have been blessed with how much I have accomplished. My experiences led to me being a Supervisor for UPS at age 19, a Commercial Pilot at age 20, completing my Undergraduate Degree in three years, my Master’s Degree while flying combat missions in Afghanistan, raising two sets of twins, eight deployments to the Middle East, and much more.
I have had many successes, and I have had many failures. In nearly every case, my failures have pushed me to change, adapt, and overcome to become a better version of myself. And throughout it all, I have consciously and deliberately worked to master all aspects of my life. It is a wonderful journey that I hope you all can join me on.
Furthermore, if there is a topic you are interested in mastering, send me an email or leave a comment and I will work on addressing it in a future post.
My goal is to produce one new post per week highlighting a way to master an aspect of your life. To be upfront, I am currently stuck overseas in an austere environment; I currently do not know when I will make it back to the States. As such, I ask all of you to bear with me during these trying times. And, please forgive me if I happen to be late on a post.
Thank you all for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your support!! Cheers!